Traccio di S. Venanzio – S. Lucia
Distance (km)
Elevation gain (m)
For this route you need to download the map on your mobile or GPS.
The so-called “Traccio di Santo Venanzio” is located a few kilometers West from San Venanzo; the legend tells of the transport of the body of this Saint to Rome, along the Byzantine corridor and across Monte Peglia and, in particular, in this place.
From the equipped area, where you can park, along the Faena torrent, take a dirt road that goes up along the torrent, towards the West. Thus you reach a small open space where the shrine of the Saint is located. Between this shrine and the river, we find the continuation of our route, now a dirt road, always skirting the stream. At times the road narrows to a path. We find a small ford after which the path proceeds uphill; once out of the woods, turn left (South) along the edge of the woods. Continue South, following the path that runs alongside a ditch. We will find the intake work of an old still functioning aqueduct (not for domestic or food purposes); shortly after that the paths will slightly deviate from the ditch returning to be a road that will arrive orthogonally to another path, which we take to the left (Southeast). We will continue halfway up the hill along this dirt track until we reach a large clearing. We will have in front of us the ruins of Podere Patriarca; here (after covering 3.8 km from the start) we have to turn decidedly South (almost going back); after a few meters on the clearing, our road will become evident, proceeding slightly uphill towards the South. After 4.36 km from the beginning, we will find another earth track on our left, downhill; we will take it and follow it until we reach a gravel road, which we will take on the left (North) and which we will follow for 1.08 km. After covering 6.47 km from the start, we need to be careful: the gravel road turns right uphill, while just in front of us there is a path that will lead us easily to the equipped area from which we started.
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