Pornello – Frattaguida – S. Antilla
Distance (km)
Elevation gain (m)
Pornello is a village of the Municipality of San Venanzo located along the Provincial road towards Montegiove and Montegabbione. Taking a short tour of the village is recommended.
To start this ring, we need to enter the village and reach the church, which is located on the left after 100/150 meters. From the church we proceed downhill and we take the asphalt road for a few tens of meters, until when, at the beginning of the guard rail, we will find a small wooden sign indicating “Madonna del Piano”. We follow it and suddenly we will find ourselves stepping on the ancient road, replaced about a century ago by the current Provincial. In short we reach a wooden gate, to be closed after the passage, and a beautiful country church, very well preserved. We continue on the only track, we pass another gate and we take a road that runs alongside the Fersinone torrent. We go to the left (towards the South) going up the current, we cross the Provincial road and we continue to skirt the stream until we reach a ford, which we pass.
In front of us we have the Pornello Mill, where all the peasant families where used to transform wheat into flour, until a few tens of years ago. Our road continues on the right of this farmhouse, running alongside it, moving decidedly away from the river. Now we have always to follow the dirt road, sometimes in the woods, sometimes open to the landscape. Be careful to close the gates after passing them.
We reach Frattaguida, a few houses along a provincial road. We take to the left (towards southeast). Now 2.97 km of asphalt road await us, until we find on the left a small gravel road at an acute angle, which goes northwards. It is our way back to Pornello. The first stream we cross (there is a bridge) is the Fersinone again; we find a road that goes to the right (East) but we continue straight. Shortly after there is another road on the left that we ignore like the previous one.
Our road leads us to S. Antilla, a farmhouse currently abandoned that in the past was the most important in this area. Now the road is located on a ridge but, few hundred meters after the farmhouse, we have to turn right, following the gravel road (the one in front of us is an earth road). We will find again another road on our right, always to be ignored. Thus we reach an asphalt road, which we take to the left (West). After 2.89 km of asphalt road we will be back in Pornello.
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