Poggio Aquilone – Civitella dei Conti

Distance (km)



To reach the Fersinone valley you can take the current road which, with hairpin bends, loses altitude until it reaches the valley. More interesting is to take the ancient road, which you take on the right just before going up into the old village of Poggio. This road descends crossing several times the current one (our ancestors did not need such low slopes, moving on foot or on horseback).

Once in the valley, continue until you pass the Fersinone from the current bridge. A few meters ahead, turn left along the river and then immediately right, following an uphill road, sometimes even steep. After about 6/700 meters you need to turn left (if you go straight, after 40 meters you reach a private house and the road is closed). This route offers fascinating views of the Fersinone valley and Poggio Aquilone. Always following the main and evident track, you reach a gravel road; to the left (East – North-east) continue to reach Civitella dei Conti, a beautiful village recently very well restored.

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