San Vito – Acquaforte

Distance (km)

Elevation gain (m)

For this route you need to download the map on your mobile or GPS.

 To the North and South of the bridge over the Fersinone stream there are several interesting routes. We choose the one that, to the South of the bridge (towards San Vito), proceeds towards the East (following the current of the stream), following exactly a stretch of the ancient Via Orvietana, which connected Perugia with Orvieto.

We always proceed following the dirt road which, after skirting the torrent, continues gradually bending to the South, reaching a farmhouse and, shortly after, the asphalt road which we must cross orthogonally; we climb the artificial slope created for the new road and which contributed to the cancellation of the ancient route. As soon as we pass the slope, we find our track again, now heading West; after a short climb we reach a gravel road, following which, towards the West, we find the accommodation facility Spizzicacacio. About 100 meters before, on our left (towards the South) the ancient road starts, not very evident and with sparse shrubs on the site. We continue uphill along the track. Pay attention to the track as, after 1.45 km from the start, we have to bend sharply to the right to continue following the ancient route which shortly after will take again the same direction (southwest).

Thus we reach the asphalt road, that we will follow for 100 meters; while the asphalt road bends slightly to the left, we follow the dirt road that we will find in front of us. Thus we arrive at the cemetery of San Vito, we skirt it and take again the asphalt road, until we reach the village of Baccano (San Vito). On the first square we find, we must go to the right (North) following the signs for “Acquaforte” or “Sorgente Acquaforte”. A beautiful downhill road awaits us.

After 4.26 km from the start, we find the historic Acquaforte spring.

From the clearing of the source, we find a dirt road which, going downhill, continues eastwards; we will follow it and, after 5.25 km from the start, we take a road on our left instead of continuing straight. This leads us to the asphalt road, following which downhill we will be back at the bridge over the Fersinone.

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